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Lisa Gopman's Standup Comedy Class:​
How to Be More Funny

Sign up TODAY!

Do you secretly dream of trying standup comedy?

Do you fantasize about getting up on stage and talking about your wacky life? Lisa Gopman wants to help you make those dreams come true!!


Lisa Gopman has been a successful standup comedian in Los Angeles for over 15 years. She has performed her unique comedy on MTV and was selected as the grand prize winner of Comedy Central’s nationwide standup competition Laugh Riots. Lisa has also performed on Comedy Central’s Premium Blend and in Comedy Central's Get Up, Stand Up show in Jamaica. She has an extensive history as a proud USC Theater alumni.  She also graduated from the Second City conservatory.

But this isn’t about Lisa. This is about YOU!!  Lisa believes that you can’t teach someone to be funny, but she is convinced that she can teach you to be a funnier you! We will work weekly on finding your comedy voice by working on observational comedy, family comedy, alternative comedy, political humor, storytelling, relationship comedy, and more.  We will have guest speakers, watch clips, and each student will ultimately come up with 5 solid minutes to perform in a live standup show at

Oh My Ribs Theater.



The 4 week session is specially priced at just $200.

Don’t just dream about making your stage debut!

Get on that stage and get some laughs.
Fill out the form for more info

or hit the PAY NOW button above to SIGN UP!

Make sure to include your email address so we can send you a confirmation and a special assignment for your first class.
You can also sign up or find out more by calling
​(323) 20-STAGE

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oh my ribs entertainment comedy music theater hollywood

"The theatre that's not a restaurant"

6468 Santa Monica Boulevard

Hollywood, CA 90038

(323) 20-STAGE

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